I am freelance writer and editor. I hold two MFA degrees (Creative Nonfiction and Poetry), both from the Solstice MFA Program in Creative Writing at Pine Manor College, where I was a Michael Steinberg fellow in Creative Nonfiction.
My work can be found in Listen to Your Mother: What She Said Then, What We’re Saying Now (Putnam, 2015), The Bacopa Literary Review (2018 and 2019, discussed here by Editor Kaye Linden), the anthology Feckless Cunt (World Split Open Press, 2018, read by Susan Rukeyser on the podcast Desert Lady Diaries), Midway Journal (2019), Lily Poetry Review (print 2019, online 2020), 3Elements Review (2019), Dine: An Anthology (Books by Hippocampus, 2020), December Magazine (2020), and Essay Daily. I volunteer at VIDA . My work was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Midway Journal in 2019 and by a member of the Board of Contributing Editors in 2020.
I offer private consultations and workshops and have presented and taught at the Johnson County Library Writers Conference. I am also co-founder and editor of the anthology series Maximum Tilt and co-founder, with poet Rebecca Connors, of the online creative space The Notebooks Collective.
This site focuses on my work as an essayist, memoirist, and poet–in other words, the work I do for myself. To learn about what I write for others, or to hire me for a project, please visit The Same 26.